Outlive your life final

Outlive your life final

Hi my name is Eli Schleicher and this in my religion eight project. I think that this featured image is a good illustration for this assignment because the book uses acts bible verses all throughout the book and because it talks about us being on a mission for the church.

Here are some of my best reviews

Chapter 1: The theme for this chapter is opportunity. “Yet in the midst of wreckage, here we stand, the modern-day version of the Jerusalem church. You, me, and our one-of-a-kind life-time and once-in-history opportunity.”(Outlive your Life page 3) That quote talks about how we have opportunity in this world to make change. The author’s main points were that when you have opportunity to make a change use the opportunity wisely. The main points go with the theme because they are both about opportunity. Some ideas that were implied were change is needed in this world. They implied change is need because they listed off worldly problems and solutions to those problems. To persway you to help the world. The author achieved the goal.

Dear Lord, Please help us use every opportunity we get wisely. Help us to know when we have opportunity. Give us knowledge and wisdom so we can do the right thing in every situation thrown at us. Please help us use our opportunity to change the world for the better. Give us the desire and compassion to help others. Amen.

Chapter 2: The theme for chapter one is helping others. In this chapter he talked about helping others. He talked about Nicholas Winston who helped jews from Czechoslovakia which was being invaded by Hitler and saved Jews lives so they wouldn’t be sent to concentration camps. The authors main point is to help others. The theme and main points are both about helping people. The author talked about people who helped others a lot. He wanted to inform you about helping others and he achieved that goal.

Dear Lord, Please help us to see others in need. Help those who are in need. Let us reach out to them and help them with their needs. Help us to follow the examples of kindness that you have put before us. Let us not be self centered and not help ones in need. Amen.

The theme for chapter six of this book is be hospitable and welcoming. My evidence is that the title says Open your door; Open your hearts. Another thing is that the whole chapter is about helping others. Some of the authors main points are help others and hospitable. That relates to the theme because the theme and main points are both about being nice and hospitable. Some implied ideas are that if you are hospitable it is easier to spread Gods word and love. It talked about how hospitality can be their hospital. I think the authors goal was to give us an urge to give hospitality to others. Max Lucado the author very much acheived that goal.

Dear Lord, We would like to confess that we aren’t always hospitable. Please help us be more friendly and hospitable. If someone needs help let us out reach to them to help them. Give us your compassion for those who need help. Give us the need to help others. Help us show others the Godly way. Amen.

The theme for chapter nine is about doing good deeds to help others and not to get public attention and be publicly accepted. The evidence I have is that it has an in depth story about Ananias and sapphira who died because they lied to God just so they could get public acceptance. Some of the main points are do good things. Don’t do good deeds for acceptance only do it for helping others. Those relate to the theme because they were the theme. There were no ideas implied by the other except don’t do good things for popularity. The author main goal was to attempt to ale you not want to good things for acceptance, but for being good to others.

Dear Lord, Help us do good deeds. Put people in our lives so we can help them. Give us the knowledge to help someone if they need help. Help us to good deeds. But don’t let us use our good deeds for popularity and acceptance. Help us to be good examples for others. Amen.

I think that Outlive your life was a good book that illustrates acts because it tells us about stories that correlate with acts. Most of the stories you wouldn’t even know about if he didn’t tell you about those stories. The stories he used were current and went with the Bible verse he was using at the beginning of the chapter. Some of the stories he told you could have been stories you’ve heard before. He made it very easy to understand what he was saying because he used the stories. The stories really made his writing more affective. The stories also made the book more interesting. With the stories it makes the book of acts more relatable and more understandable. You don’t really think about how the disciples were in danger when they preached the gospel until the story about the man who could have died at work every day. This book makes it easier to understand acts.

I think that I have Outlived my life for my age. When I have free time from school, homework, sports, and other activities I try to spend time with God, family, friends, and others that I can help. I have been helping others to the best of my ability. I preach to others with my friends sometimes. The ways I have seen this happening is once a few friends and I were walking through the streets of Omaha and we were walking up to strangers and asking them how are you today. We started a conversation about random things. We slowly started changing the subject about their faith and if they beleive in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One person stuck out to me the most. She was an old lady and my group had about twelve boys plus our leader. At first the lady was alarmed by the our group because every single one of us was bigger. But after we started talking to her she was reliefed because she thought we were a gang or something. After a while we found out she was a beleiver and has been serving at charities for years. The lady was super nice and asked us how we were doing where we were from. When we went out to evangelize it went along with what the book tells us.

Once I was at a football practice with my teammates. I joined a few weeks late so everyone else there knew what to do when I had no idea what I was doing. There was this one person who offered to help me get used to the system. Well I had to follow him around for a few practices before I knew what to do. Then there was this one practice where we where talking and I found out this person wasn’t a believer. So I felt that the Holy Spirit was flowing through me that night because right in the middle of the field I told him and Jesus. In the future me and a friend are planning to go door to door throughout a neighborhood to teach people about Christ. That is probably the most exciting plan I have for the future about evangelizing. Another plan I have is that a group of my friends are going to walk around the city and ask people about their relationship with their savior.

A bible verse that I think correlates with Outlive Your Life is 1 Peter 4:9-10 this verse states “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” I think this goes with the book because this verse mentions hospitality. The book Outlive Your Life also talked about being hospitable. Being hospitable is described as doing the right thing in the book. Also in the bible it talks about being hospitable cheerfully. Another verse that I think goes with the book is Matthew 25:40 states :Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.” I think that the book goes along with this book because it also talks about others in need. And getting off your high horse to help those who society think is useless. They also go together because this verse goes along with the leper island story which is in the book.

1) One of the things that was made clearer by the movie was when the disciple were on the boat trying to catch fish. I don’t understand that when the disciples realized that Jesus was the one telling them to cast the nets on the other side. I didn’t realize that Peter was furious that they didn’t catch any fish. So when Jesus told them to cast the net to the other side I didn’t know Peter was like what difference would it make. Then I also didn’t realize that Peter literally dove in the sea and swam to get to Jesus faster. 2) When Peter and John were arrested for preaching when they healed the lame man didn’t realize that they were beaten in front of the crowd so they would be shut up. I also realized that the movie didn’t have peters sermon. When they were in the trail I didn’t know that the high priest told the crowd that Peter and John were just actors. I also didn’t realize that they trailed the lame man to see if he was lying. 3) I didn’t realize that when God told Peter about Annanias and Saphirria lying about the money he was given a vision about God. I also didn’t realize that Sapphrirria asked where is Ananias and  right as the men returned from burying him she died at that exact moment.